Saturday 12 November 2011


Pretoria city centre 2011.
As my neef iemand as pragtig beskryf, dan weet hy, sy is (dis altyd 'n meisie). Maar nou wonder ek, is nie almal pragtig nie? Is nie almal mooi op hul eie manier nie? Gister aand was ek by 'n partytjie en die twee ouens wat saam woon het die selfde meisie op 'n skala van 1-10 'n 2 en 'n 9,5 geprys. As twee mense iemand so verskillend kan sien, dan moet elkeen van ons tog pragtig wees vir teen minste een ander persoon? En dis nou net hoe mens lyk. Ons praat nie eers van innere waardes nie.

* If my cousin describes someone as beautiful, then you know she is ( it is always a girl). But now I am wondering if not everyone is beautiful? Isn't everyone pretty in their own way? I was at a party last night and two guys rated the same girl as a 2 and as a 9,5 ( on a scale of 1-10). If two people can see someone so differently, then every one of us has to be beautiful to at least one other person? And this just concerns what we look like. We're not even taking about inner worth.

The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.

These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep, loving concern. 

Beautiful people do not just happen. 

--Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

via Dialogic

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