Wednesday, 30 March 2011

I tend to forget

I tend to forget that you do not think they way I do.

Perhaps it would be good for you to consider that I do not see the world the way you do and accept it, hell, even appreciate it, instead of wanting conformity and rules and a life lived behind walls of righteousness, because you think family 2.0 is all one should aspire to.

I tend to forget to appreciate what I have.

Perhaps it would be good of you to look around a bit more, too. The boy on the street corner, the ladies in the taxis, the boemelaars under the bridge. How can I be unhappy when I have a home to return to, a deaf dog who greets me, an education that excites me and enough money in the bank to buy a plane ticket far away? It is depressing to know I have options and so many of you don't. On the other hand, so many of you think of themselves as a First National and life as not being able to pay its monthly rent when it should be the other way around.

I tend to forget names.
I am sorry, if I meet you for the first time and your name triggers no donkeys or bridges, I will not recall it the next time we meet. It is not intentional, it is more that you have not made an impression. Or that I do not care enough to make the effort to remember. Or, most often, I just could not hear what you said. Or, second most often, there were 20 people with new names.

I tend to forget one thing when I go to the gym. Everytime it is something different. Socks. A water bottle. A towel. Deodorant. A lock.
Small things. Small things that would have been comfortable to have, socks being at the top of my list.

I tend to forget mediocre music. And people with mediocre musical taste. But I am actually quite glad about this omission in my brain.

I tend to forget the things I want to do. Then I make lists of places to go and things to stare at. And then I feel I have done enough.

I tend to forget that everyone feels differently.
How wondrous is that. To laugh at and be shit-scared of the same thing.

I tend to forget how many episodes of a series I have watched. Then suddenly the series is done and my day was wasted.


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